Friday, February 26, 2016

Taking Care of Your Home

Taking care of your home is your own business and you should be allowed to live the way you want… after all, it’s your home right? Wrong! Unless you never have friends or family members come over or maybe you just have a problem with saving your hard earned money.

First, it ensures that the inhabitants are comfortable and safe from disease, physical harm or unnecessary large repair and replacement bills. More importantly, it ensures that your home ages at a slow and acceptable rate and this helps maintain your home’s resell value.

Remember, not everyone in your blood line will want to continue living in that same old inherited house. The second thing you should note is that many accidents occurring in and around your home are just as a result of negligence and poor home maintenance practices; unattended worn-out exposed electrical wires here, a broken stair or piece of furniture there, or even loose tiles in the bathroom.

The best way to keep everything in check is to carry out regular inspections and never ever procrastinate! If you are local to Long Island, NY then you can request a home inspection quote with us or even get a free consultation. There are simple ways to help you take proper care of your home and keep it from looking older that it actually is… eventually losing on its market value or breaking apart right underneath you.

The first step is creating your own routine and a checklist of tasks for each DIY home maintenance or inspection exercise. Having a good plan is the key as Lara Edge clearly puts it in plain words in her article on maintaining fungi free homes and mega saving through a simple 3-step moisture damage control routine that many people continue to ignore:

How to Prevent Water Damage

“Water damage is the No. 1 culprit that weakens your home’s foundation and the very core that holds your house together. You’ve heard about core strength for your body. Well, water damage hits at the core strength of your house, eventually causing serious structural damage. Damp wood invites termites and carpenter ants; plus, it causes mold and mildew. Here are three easy things to do to that will give you piece of mind the next time heavy storms hit.” Get more details on the 3-step preventive water damage control routine here…

water damage

As always, you should do your cleaning in and around your home when you ought to and take care of any repairs as soon as they’re required to avoid dealing with ant-hills turned mountainous situations that can be both dangerous and daunting.

Still on the cleaning issue, there are many spots around the house that we often overlook or plain outright ignore… like the back of the TV! Sometimes this can be because the people living in your home are extremely busy leaving you with just enough time to carry out the cleaning casually… oh, and create some new string of bacteria on piled up dishes from a month ago in your kitchen sink… Worry not; Kayla Matthews has compiled a list of 20 hilariously explained tips on how busy people can still take care of their homes even with the tightest of schedules. You will be surprised how much you can do in just a few hours a week of dedicated cleaning in your home:

20 Efficient Home Care Tips for Super Busy People (Nobody Knows About #12)

“I don’t care how big or small your house, apartment, or condo is. When it’s a mess, it feels like it takes FOREVER to clean up. And when you’re busy trying to stay on top of your professional life, your kids’ homework for the week and somehow find a free moment to enjoy your spouse’s company, you just don’t have time to clean as much, or as thoroughly, as you’d like. So, sometimes, we just skip over it and choose, instead, to stare begrudgingly at the tasks we should be doing rather than doing anything about them. I don’t know about you, but when my home is a wreck, I feel lazier and much less productive. I love spending time in my house when it’s clean, but being in my messy kitchen after I didn’t have time to clean it all week makes me feel totally unmotivated. And I’m not the only one:Care to find out what home care tip #12 is…?


Of course if you’re like most of us, then I guess it really helps to see someone else do it… right? Like what’s this plan (killer home care schedule) that everyone must have or follow? How does one even start on making schedules and ensuring that everything is in order and taking care of your home is completed in a timely and precise fashion? Hell, how organized is organized?

Alejandra Costello stars in a very inspiring Alejandra TV’s home tour video guide titled “Most Organized Home in America – HGTV Clean Freaks & Professional Organizer Alejandra Costello” that features one of the most organized homes this world has seen yet. Everything from a carefully arranged pantry (food cupboard) to a clean organized kitchen to a home office that would make the chief of stuff think twice about reorganizing the oval office at the Capital! You have to see this video to really get a picture of what an organized home looks like… you’re guaranteed to be both utterly amazed and inspired or very, very jealous. De-cluttering is the key word here:

Anymore excuses left? I bet after watching this video you just want to get off your butt and do some cleaning right? You can start off with these highlighted simple home care tips and move on from there. Of course you can customize your cleaning and home inspection routine according to your own daily or weekly schedule and still achieve a perfect clutter free and a joy to live in environment in your home.

home is where the heart isRemember, your home shouldn’t look older than it is just because you let water (both rain water and leaking pipes) weaken the foundation or encourage mold and mildew growth in your attic or basement. This really affects the market value of your home in a negative way and its also one sure way to part with huge chunks of your hard earned cash courtesy of remodeling and repairs.

Just take a few minutes of your busy schedule and make sure you carry out a bit of inspecting, cleaning and organization in small portions. This will make the whole home maintenance exercise seem less tiring and boring. My advice, get a good portable music player (your phone can also work…) and you’re good to go.

Taking Care of Your Home was first published on Home Inspector Experts

from Home Inspector Experts

Saturday, February 20, 2016

How Often Are Termite Inspections Necessary?

Picture of a termite's nest

People often ask us how often they should do a home inspection for termites. The answer is simple: about once a year! But more on that later…

Termites eat all day long and all night long, every day and every night. That means that with so many hours of eating wood, their damage can be extensive and can occur over a relatively short time. Worse yet? The damage isn’t always obvious to the untrained eye until major damage has occurred!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that termite damage is in the billions of dollars every year across the U.S. And, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average termite damage costs approximately $2500 to $3000 to repair. The good news about termites and other wood-destroying pests is that they can be controlled and be identified with regular home inspections!

Can you do an inspection yourself?

The simple answer is: yes, you can do a termite inspection with no previous experience. However, (and that’s a big however) while any home owner can look for termites, it does not replace a professional inspection – ever. It is important to have a trained and experienced inspector make the final determination as to whether your home is suffering from a termite infestation and there is any damage. Termite damage can be obvious at times even to the untrained eye while at other times, it will take a trained eye to diagnose an infestation.

A quick tip if you’d like to look for yourself first:

— Termites are attracted to moist wood. Search any damp areas including around windows or other areas just after rainfall. If you even suspect termites or other wood-destroying pest, it’s important you contact a professional immediately.

— Look for “tunnels” the width of a pencil in wood, including at your foundation level. If you find a tunnel, you most likely have termites.

— Look for any kind of wood damage or “odd-looking” patches on the wood. Termites will begin eating wood from the inside and damage isn’t always visible on the outside of the wood. However, any type of wood darkening, blistering, or softening can be a sign. Crumbling wood is another obvious sign of termite presence.

How often should you have a termite inspection?

People often wait to conduct a termite inspection when they do a general home inspection either for maintenance purposes or because they plan to sell their home. However, waiting until then to have a termite inspection performed could prove extremely costly! If left unchecked, you could find yourself with thousands of dollars in necessary renovations and remediations.

Termite inspections should be performed about once a year, especially if you live in a humid environment or there is the potential for any moisture incursion. An expert will inspect the interior and exterior of your home, basements, attics, and crawlspaces.

These inspections typically run about 30 to 45 minutes and a diagnosis can be given immediately. A good inspector will review their findings with you at the end of their inspection and offer any recommendations if any damage is found. The inspector can also provide suggestions on how to prevent termites including regular treatments for your home or property.

Regular termite inspections by a qualified inspector can help you maintain your structure’s integrity healthy and termite free. We have extensive experience across Suffolk and Nassau County, NY and would be happy to provide you with an initial estimate for a home inspection or a termite inspection.

Termites invading a hole

Image Credit:

How Often Are Termite Inspections Necessary? was first published on Home Inspector Experts

from Home Inspector Experts

Saturday, February 13, 2016

8 Reasons for Performing a Home Inspection

Whenever someone buys or sells a home, a home inspection is necessary and there are a lot of reasons for this. The procedure is not only meant to uncover structural problems, but also to help the buyer negotiate the price if it is a pre purchase inspection, to detect any pests or safety issues and to make sure the settlement is correct. These are 8 good reasons to perform an inspection:

1.Saving Money in the Long Term

The cost of a typical inspection for one home with a single family is of a few hundred dollars. This sum is small considering the amount of money you can save in the long term if you don’t have to perform any future repairs. You surely don’t want to realize this later from your own experience so it would be wiser to inspect the building early and avoid any problems.

As a side note: In an effort to help our Long Island community save money, the Home Inspector Experts is giving all Long Island residents 25% off on their home inspections for the month of Febuary! Checkout our announcement on Twitter.


2.Discovering Safety Issues and Structural Problems

An evaluation of the home can help you to detect problems that could compromise the safety of your family. There could be some issues involving the hidden parts of the structure, such as bad wiring, mold presence, or the presence of radon. Foundations could have problems even from the beginning and this can be common for new homes. Just like you cannot judge a book by its cover, you cannot judge a building by its exterior parts. Even the smallest leak can grow in time and could lead to major issues that could cost you a large sum of money.

3.Obtaining a Lower Price

Another good reason for inspecting the home you are buying is the possibility to negotiate the price and obtain a lower one. This can happen when the home has some issues and is not worth the price that the seller is wanting. The buyer can include in the contract clauses referring to repairs that the sellers has to make if the requested price is going to be respected. In any other case, the price has to become lower.

Long Island home inspection company

4.Receiving Advice About Maintenance

Home inspectors can help homeowners and buyers with advice and tips, because there are well-trained and have many years of experience. You can ask any questions and the expert will be able to answer them. As a buyer, it is always good to be informed about your future home.

5.Detecting Pests or the Presence of Insects

Pest control is another important thing for any home and the seller must be aware of it. You surely don’t want the building that you are about to buy to be infested with rodents, ants, termites and other similar creatures. During home inspection, this type of problem can be uncovered and the sellers can do something about it.

6.Protecting Your Family

If you are concerned about safety, an inspection can be the best thing you can do. Listen, if you are in need of any Long Island home inspection services the Home Inspector Experts should be your first choice. We have been inspecting homes on Long Island for quite some time and we know exactly what to look for that is specific to the area you are living in whether that is Suffolk County or Nassau County, L.I. You can become aware of any hazards, dangers and safety issues that can be involved in the acquisition or sale of a home. You can have peace of mind and this is one of the most important aspects. When you are moving to a home that is safe and solid, you can make sure that you will not be stressed in any way in the future and your family is protected.

7.Uncovering Any Illegal Installations

Homes can sometimes be the subject of illegal installations or additions. If the current owner has done such things, these extensions will be uncovered during the evaluation. Sometimes the extensions that homeowners have made are beyond the legal permits or codes. This can have an effect on the building’s insurance, taxes and value.

8.Having a Real Perspective Over the Building’s Value

Quite often during the acquisition of a home, buyers can become blinded by the structure’s aesthetics. Maybe they like the home so much that they forget about important aspects like safety or the need for repairs. An inspection can help the buyer to get a real impression about the future acquisition. Experts can help you to determine if your dream home really is a dream home or your future nightmare.


The conclusion is there are numerous reasons to perform a home inspection, a procedure that is highly recommended by experts. A new home is like an investment for the future. If you want your investment to be secured, you can ask a professional to help you. This individual will be able to perform a more detailed inspection than a real estate agent.

8 Reasons for Performing a Home Inspection was first published on Home Inspector Experts

from Home Inspector Experts

Monday, February 8, 2016

Who Needs a Home Inspection?

home evaluation

Home inspection is needed in three main cases: when you have a home and you want to know its true value and condition, when you have a home and you want to put it for sale and when you want to acquire a home. Professional home inspectors can evaluate a home regardless of how old the building is. The building’s structures and systems are checked and the expert will be able to provide a report about the state of the foundation, roof, plumbing systems, HVAC systems, electrical systems and various structural parts of the building. A home inspector always performs the inspection job for the person who pays for the evaluation.

Home Inspection for Homeowners

This is a typical evaluation of your home that should be performed every four or five years for detecting any possible dangers to the inhabitants. Any issue can be detected early, in order to avoid any further repercussions. Costly repairs can be avoided in this way. This evaluation has a direct impact on your life, because it can provide peace of mind and an assurance of safety for you and your family.


Home inspection for Home Sellers

Fingers holding a tiny homeThis type of inspection can be useful for people who want to sell a house. The owners will get an objective evaluation of their building before they put it for sale. As a seller, you can receive advice regarding all the aspects that could help you get the most value from your home. The main advantages are these: selling faster and at a better price.

If you want to put a house on the market for the purpose of selling it, you can have the opportunity to reduce the time normally needed for negotiation. Performing an evaluation is one of the major steps that you can take for selling a home the proper way. The marketability of the house that you are about to sell improves. Any problems that may be discovered during the evaluation can be solved in a timely manner.

Home Inspection for Home Buyers

This is one of the most common types of verification and the costs can depend on the size of the building and its location. Buyers usually expect that the professional will help them to achieve their goals and this is what actually happens. However, there are definitely some basic questions to ask a home inspector before hiring them, after all they will be inspecting what is likely the most costly investment of your life! This obviously means that they want to buy a home that is in the proper condition so that they don’t have to pay more later for repairs.

A specific amount of time is offered to home buyers for completing an inspection of the building that they want to acquire. The need for home inspectors seems to be increasing right now, as real estate buyers are more aware of the benefits of an inspection and they tend to be more cautious regarding what they buy.

No matter which one of the three cases above applies to your situation, you must allow up to three hours for the inspection to complete. You can be present during this time in order to have an overview of the home’s condition. You will be able to express your concerns and ask any question that you may have. Prepare a list of questions before the inspector comes to your home.

Who Needs a Home Inspection? was first published on Home Inspector Experts

from Home Inspector Experts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Need For Electrical Inspections

electrician working on an electrical panel

Should you have an electrical inspection conducted? If so, when should you have an electrical inspection conducted? According to real estate expert Monica Dillon in an article for SF*, the Electrical Safety Foundation recommends you conduct an electrical inspection when: purchasing a home, when the home is older than 40-years, when adding a new appliance, or when you are doing a major renovation. It’s also important that all new electrical installations have an inspection conducted to be sure it meets all minimum safety requirements.
We at the Home Inspector Experts believe that Just like a general home inspection is important, an electrical inspection is an important component of the general inspection or as a stand-alone inspection. Outdated, incorrectly installed or damaged electrical components in your home could cause a fire.

It is important that the dwelling meets national as well as local electrical codes. Older homes should be very carefully inspected and brought up to standard and codes. Electrical failures are a common cause of house fires. Electrical inspections can ensure the safety of your home. There are 28,600 electrical fires each year in this country causing 310 deaths and 1,100 injuries according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Faulty, outdated, or overburdened electrical wires or systems are among of the main causes of electrical fires.

Wiring and Electrical Service Panel:
The electrical panel acts in many ways as the brain or center of all your home’s electricity. It’s important that it’s updated and to code. It is also important that it’s capable of handling the electrical load of your home. If the house is more than 40 years old, it’s quite likely that the electrical panel as well as the wiring are outdated and will need to be brought up to code. It will need to be updated by a licensed professional.

If the electrical panel contains round (outdated) fuses then the home will likely contain outdated wiring. Without updated wiring, you could find it difficult to insure the home or pass an inspection. More importantly, failure to update wiring could pose a significant safety concern.

Lighting and Outlets – interior and exterior:
Outlets: Home with outdated electrical systems should have a professional contractor install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) in any potentially wet areas such as kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, bathrooms, garages, and exterior outlets. (All exterior outlets must be GFCIs.) Light switches much also be a certain distance from water or wet areas according to code. A reputable house inspector will red flag any areas of concern which will need to be addressed. Most electrical contractors or inspectors recommend that homeowners regularly have GFCIs tested to ensure they are functioning properly.


All lighting (interior as well as exterior), interior outlets, switches, any appliance cords currently in use, and all GFCIs should be checked regularly to ensure proper functioning and that they are in good condition. A home owner should have a licensed electrician immediately inspect any outlets or lighting producing any type of sound such as a humming.
It’s highly advisable to conduct a home inspection prior to the purchase of any dwelling or during a renovation. An electrical inspection is an important part of any home inspection.

The Need For Electrical Inspections was first published on Home Inspector Experts

from Home Inspector Experts