Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to Choose the Right Home

Choosing a home will probably be the most important (and lasting) decision that you’ll make in your entire life. You want to make sure that when you are making this very important decision that you are not simply going at it blindly.

There are tons of experts on the subject that can help shed some light on exactly what you should be looking for and the sea of emotions and confusion that you will be navigating through on your road to choosing the home of your dreams.

Simply being prepared and read up on some of the more important things to consider will put you leaps and bounds ahead of the so called norm. Most people are not prepared at all when it comes to choosing a home and do so ‘on the fly’ so to speak. The following is a great article on 10 ways to know you’ve found the right house:

Man and woman in their brand new home of their dreams.

10 Ways to Know You Found the Right House

Many first-time home buyers wonder how they will know when they have found the right house. Here are 3 preliminary things you should know about finding the right house:

First, a good real estate agent will never talk you into buying a house.
Second, you will instinctively know it.
Third, you will want to sleep on it. Don’t. Read more…

The above article speaks on a lot of the more psychological factors concerned with buying a home. These are absolutely critical. So many times in the home-buying process people are only aware of and concerned with the mechanical elements of the home, and they lose touch with the fact that they actually have to feel good about living in the home for years to come!

While it’s true that you cannot focus exclusively on the mechanical stuff, structure, plumbing, electrical, etc, these are also very important elements that you need to be make sure to be aware of and during this portion of giving the home your once-over you might even want to bring a pen and paper with you to jot down some things that you notice along the way. Doing this can help you create and develop a better picture in your mind when you are discussing it with your significant other or when it comes down to making your final decision.

You might even consider creating a checklist of your wants and needs in a home. You can and should make one yourself but if you need ideas we’ve found a great resource for house-choosing checklists:

Home for sale sign

House-Choosing Checklist

Ready to buy a home? There’s a lot to consider before selecting the right one. This home-buying checklist will help you decide.
Buying a new home can be exciting, and it’s tempting to grab the first house you fall in love with. But exercising a little patience will go a long way toward turning your purchase into a haven instead of a headache.
Renovation Potential
Don’t overestimate your abilities. Determine if the house you like needs work. Then assess whether you’re really capable of doing it, advises Jeff Beneke, veteran home renovator and author of The Fence Bible. Also consider whether the home has an extra room if you’re planning to redo several parts of it. “That way you can close off one room at a time, do what you have to do in that, move somebody into there, then close off another room,” he says. Read more…

We hope that by this time you realize how essential it is to combine both the analytical and psychological factors when it comes to choosing your home. We feel the above articles illustrate wonderfully these two key factors.

It can be a great help (and also extremely fun) to sit down with either your significant other or a good friend over coffee and brainstorm all the different ideas that you have, it can really help when you verbally express your emotions and wants. When you have to articulate them they take on a new meaning and become solidified in your mind and throught processes.

Also, it can be a great to watch others going through a similar experience. The following video is a fun and lighthearted video about a couple who is going through the process of choosing the right home for them:

House Shopping!

We hope that you have as much fun in choosing your dream home as we have had in putting together this article for you! Also, when you come to the point in the home buying process where you are in need of a home inspector, we hope that you give us a call, we’re here for you!

from Home Inspector Experts

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